(562) 350-9496 [email protected]


Experienced Environmental Consultants specializing in the inspection of regulated hazardous materials lead, asbestos and other substances, mold IAQ soil, water serving school diatricts, commercial, industrial, residential building’s.  Our environmental consultants are state certified in the industrial/hygiene environmental health and safety field and are ready to serve your environmental needs.


Asbestos is a natural occurring mineral. It is heat resistant, very strong and contains remarkable insulating properties. Asbestos has been used extensively in construction materials for many years. Due to its fiber-like structure, asbestos has been known to cause a number of disabling and fatal diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma and pleural plaques. There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos, therefore all exposure to asbestos should be avoided.


Lead is a soft, dull grey metal commonly used in paint and water pipes. Highly volatile and unstable, lead particles can contaminate our air and water. Lead-based paint, lead-contaminated dust in older buildings and lead sediment in water are the most prevalent sources of lead poisoning in children.


Microbial pollution, more commonly known as “mold” involves hundreds of species of bacteria and fungi that grow indoors when sufficient moisture is present. Exposure to mold contaminants is clinically associated with numerous respiratory problems, allergies, asthma and immunological failure.


According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , “Soil contamination results when hazardous substances are either spilled or buried directly in the soil or migrate to the soil from a spill that has occurred elsewhere. Contaminants in the soil can adversely impact the health of animals and humans when they ingest, inhale, or touch contaminated soil, or when they eat plants or animals that have themselves been affected by soil contamination.”

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